
Artist portrait

directed by Sissy Lin in 2022

24 septembre 2023

Direction du récital donné en hommage à la poésie et à la musique

à l’Église Saint-Guillaume, Strasbourg

poesie et violon

«Quand les chevaux du Temps s’arrêtent à ma porte… » écrira Christiane Roederer... retrospective d’un choix de ses poèmes, accordée par la voix du comédien et le son du violon et d’une guimbarde

November 2022

Strasbourg Art-Photography Festival

Exhibition of Black Waters and Sewer Mandalas

Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas Mandalas

MARS 2020

4th Edition of Strasbourg Art Propulsion

Le Bouclier d'Or is a partner of the event "A photographic journey in the city" from February 28 to july 31, 2020. We are exhibiting in the "Aubusson" space the visual artist, Nourit Masson-Sékiné on the theme "The butoh at feminine. A series of portraits of women / dancers of butoh. A few images of men in their feminine outlook accompany them ... Biological and cultural, the body is the basis of identity for humans and their relation to the world. If the biological determines capacities and delimits them, the body is above all plastic. The dance will work on the imagination which profoundly modifies the body - sometimes including its physiology and its anatomy. The imagination, according to André Breton's formula, tends to become real. We can only become what we are able to imagine. And Butoh based all of its training method on this idea.

Expositions de juin à octobre 2019 :

peintures et encre à la Chartreuse

photographies à l’Église Jésuite de Molsheim (see here)

Collection "Prophet in his Country"

An innovative creation of booklets (see here)

Pdf of the pamphlet of the April 25th 2019 Press Conference

« Le Portrait »

3rd Edition of the Month of Photography
Expositions collectives at the Région Grand Est


2nd Edition of the Month of Photography – March 2018
Solo exhibition in the Coffee Shop of the National Theater of Strasbourg
Group exhibitions at the Région Grand Est and at the Ephemeral Gallery of Rivétoile

« SHADES OF DARKNESS » Museum of Contemporary Art of Aomori, Japan

Exhibition of Photo/Butoh at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Aomori, Japan
within the framework of the Festival of Butoh dance,
directed by the butoh dancer of the North, Shoichi Takeshi.
Lecture : East / West – influences in perspective related to Butoh and Ankoku Butoh dance.


Exhibition at the White Gallery of Atom Tower - Tokyo Shimbashi – november 2017
Photographies of the light within Gaudi’s Cathedrale, Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.
Tribute to the work of genious of the Catalan architect.

Strasbourg Art Photography - March 2017

40 alternative places all over the city

for a selection of 49 artists and 350 art pieces

Exhibition of the photo series "de-flowerings" at Bouclier d'Or Hotel

Lecture and meeting with the public on the subject of Butoh

the 23rd march at Barcelone Arthostal

December 2016 "hito no Kokoro" :

paintings at the White Galery produced by ATOM Tower and Akahigedo Clinique,

Tokyo Shimbashi.

paintings   (click here to see other 2)

Düsseldorf Photo Week-end 2016

Exhibition and Symposium

See on the website WELTKUSTZIMMER


Photography for the poster of Yoshito Ohno performance in Warshaw

Exhibition of "Flower bird" photographies at Warshaw Théâtre-Studio - november 2016

Festivals de BUTOH OFF novembre 2014

collaborations aux festivals de Fribourg, Bäle et Lyon

et en février Galerie Gilbert Riou "Regards vers l'orient" Photo/butoh et peintures

Exposition des "Coulisses du Butoh" au Théâtre du Nuage Fou - Fribourg
Exposition de photos-Butoh ¨Shades of Darkness"; des recueils de "Poëmes à DI", et une projection des films "Percer le Masque" et "Empty Land" au festival InButoh au M.A.O.G à Lyon.
Happening avec Albert Vidal : ad liberum comme un vol d'oiseau - un choeur tellurique avec le public du festival pour la cérémonie de Clôture du "ButoOff Basel" le 16 Novembre 22:00 Grand Café SUD, Bâle.

« The Human Heart, »

an exhibition at the Museum of Freud’s Dreams, St Petersburg, April 2014 :

Monsters through on the line of ages

vernissage (click to see 12 more)

"L'espace de l'informe dans l'Ankoku Butoh de Tatsumi Hijikata" (publication à venir dans la collection Pandora chez In Press)

Nourit Masson-Sékiné’s exhibition “The Human Heart” was held at the Museum of Freud’s Dreams. It was placed behind the show-cases as if the artist herself was one of the dreams. The exhibition was divided into two separate parts : the first, discret, almost hidden, was called : The archetype of the monstruous followed the second part which consisted of a blue series in a line marking the boundary of the hall of dreams.
The visitors were put in situation to find the works all mixed in with the usual figures of the virtual world of Freud’s dreams. The fear generated from the figures of Golem was in perfect harmony with the layout of the museum. There is no need to look for these monsters because they finish by springing surprises on the visitors throughout the nooks of the window’s case spaces. The suggested “monstrous” of things was not only present through the subject matter, but it also revealed by the amazing use of space.
The blue lines has certainly given a new vision to this museum. There are not in the dream of Freud. This line is enlighted by its regularity. This is not the red line of the law. It is a blue line whose glow refers to German romanticism of Novalis in particular, but also to the romantic as the unconsciousness of the psychoanalysis itself (...).
Viktor Mazin, conservateur du Musée deCurator of the Museum of Dream – may 2014
vernissage (click to see 12 more) vernissage (click to see 12 more) vernissage (click to see 12 more)

Actualité de Frankenstein: Monstre, monstrueux, monstruosité au 21ème siècle" (Ouvrir la galerie Vernissage)

danse (click to see 5 more) danse (click to see 5 more)

À cette occasion, TRANS-, une performance inédite de Maura Baiocchi (Taanteatro Brésil) le jour du vernissage sur les lieux de l'exposition (Ouvrir la galerie danse)

« Les 7 joies »

Résidence et exposition au Musée d'Art de Ningbo mars-juin 2013

Van Gogh, who was a priest in 1877, said in his sermon : ”Let us not forget - things are not what they seem to be. God teaches us higher things through everyday life things.” Let us say that being awake, consciousness brings us to be aware of the world we are in. Sleeping in this museum of 25 thousand m2 made me so aware that i almost could not sleep ! Having no idea of what is the Now China, coming with pre-conceived ideas would have been a limitation. In a place one do not know, each thing, the smallest, is précious, because it incarnates a world of meaning. Meaning is a mater of interpretation. Yet, there are universal questions that may lead to perceive the realities behind the appearance.

un clip de ZAKI SCHIFF sur le projet de résidence à Ningbo "MP4" "OGG" "WebM"

"LES 7 JOIES" : exposition de Nourit Masson-Sekine
Voir les peintures
Livre objet WO-NI
Voir le livre
What is joy for instance ? Why is it of any importance ? Traditions, taoist or jewish traditions, say that Joy is the heart of our health and balance. As laughing provides it too. Yet, joy is with no doubt in relation with pain. Lecture at the University of the Arts and the Design of Ningbo on 23 May 2013. At the end of the conference, the students agreed to write on a paper 7 sources of joy. Here are some translated from Chinese...
my joy is to know my family is safe and happy - hope my carrear will be successful - a joy if we get a good surrounding for living - a joy if my job is fruitful work is joy - family safety - find the right person as partner (romance) - when the right living place is found - friendship and girlfriends - to have a financial security - the joy of art - dining - sleeping - reading - playing games - being with my family - making money - doing what I like to do - playing with my friends - dining with my family - the world being peaceful - enjoy my life and explore real self in the daily life- traveling - chatting with my parents - having heart-to-heart talks with my friends - Reading and enjoy the afternoon tea in a quiet environment - Being able to watch the world using my eyes - Living in the city of Ningbo - Being with my families - Making video calls with my friends - The happiness which is from only one’s own heart is real. Being intelligent to find happiness - Having heart-to-heart talks with my parents - Being with my parents - Traveling - Making food by myself - Watching movies with my mom - I am happy when I can see you - Ningbo is coastal city, which makes me happy - It makes happy that there is a YongJiang river in Ningbo - Art, is the thing which can inspire people to reflect, and which can make them surprised or even stunned - I am happy when I see you - When I am enlightened by the teachers in the classes - Having delicious foods